Thursday, July 17, 2008

What Do You Want for THEM, in YOUR Business?

While on a 2 week vacation with my family, I made it a point to get to a hotel gym almost every day, to maintain my schedule of workouts.

One day, while riding on a recumbant bike, I hammered out the following training message.

It's actually a result of a conversation I had with a great friend I met with on my stay in New York over the 4th of July weekend, about why her prospect wasn't getting on board, taking action and making her a ton of m'oney.

Here's what I wrote in my iPhone while on a 10 mile ride and what I want to share with you:

As long as you've been in business for yourself, you've been asked this question:

What is your why?

What is your passion?

Why do you want to be successful?

What will you do when you have all the money in the bank and all the free time to enjoy it?

Your sponsor has asked you, your upline leaders have asked you, the speakers and trainers you've listened to have asked you and perhaps even your coach has asked you.

And as big of an answer as you gave them or as creative a dream that you have conjured up in your mind as to how you want your life to be as a result of your success in home based business - maybe you've even written it down - you know...working from home, being your own boss, having all the time and money to do what you want when you want with whom you want - all that is great but more important than what you want for yourself is...what do you want for others in YOUR business?

I mean...what do you want for them as a result of your leadership, mentorship and contribution to THEM?

Here's another way of asking the same:

What do you want for THEM in YOUR business?

If you can answer this question based on what they told you they truly want for themselves, you are well on your way to big, big success.

You see, most home biz owners, perhaps even you, spend a lot of time trying to figure out why your best prospects - you know - the ones with the big contact list, the most influence and perhaps even a lot of success already - why they haven't gotten IN yet, why they haven't gone to work yet or why they are not making you rich yet.

I hear it all the time from my clients and even my own team how they wish the big fish they are stalking, trying desperately to sign up, won't as much do anything but swim around the boat.
What these people don't realize is that the big fish is smart and she knows that you want her in your business.

The problem is that she also knows that you want her in your business for YOUR benefit...but not hers.

And theirin lies the truth about why so many people fail to sponsor and enroll successful people, (and maybe not so successful people) into their business.

Its not uncommon for people who don't understand this yet to get frustrated and quit.
But if they made just one simple change in their attitude, one minor adjustment in their flawed thinking about how they could use their vehicle to assist others, a whole new world of success could open up for them. And YES for YOU too!

Its called the "Law of Giving" and when you truly care more about seeing others successful and their lives fulfilled with whatever they want out of life, then and only then will you ever truly see what it is that YOU want out of life.

My friend Mike says that you must first give without want, before you can ever receive.
Let me take that one step further:

You must first learn to give without any expectation of getting something in return.
People who do this, with expectations to receive back just because they gave, become what is called an "Angry Giver".

You know the type. They give to get. Nothing more or less. They only give with expectations to receive, and when they don't receive what they expected, they get angry, disappointed and discouraged.

Don't be this person.

Learn to give - not to get, but to enjoy the real fruits of giving.

This is a whole different level of thinking but if you embrace this, others will feel your genuine concern for them and will want to do the same for you.

This goes for your opp'ortunity, with random acts of kindness, charity and so much more.
All I can tell you, is that the biggest givers tend to also be the biggest receivers.

Help solve other people's problems and you too will get paid what you are worth in the marketplace and in life.

To learn the secrets of a guy who has enrolled 250 people per year in his MLM business because of how consistently he is always looking to truly help solve other's problems, but without giving away his own power or enabling them, view his F'REE Black Belt Secrets Video by clicking here.