Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To Meet or Not to Meet? That is the Question...

I received a question today from Betsy, a distributor in my organization.

Here was her question:

"I'm having trouble with my business. I just can't seem to get anyone signed up no matter what I do. I've been in the company since February.

I went to a local training in my area about a month ago and found out that there are others in my city who are also having the same problem.

We agreed to meet every week to talk about what we are doing and how we can get people to sign up.

What do you suggest I bring to our next meeting so that I can help everyone become more successful

Well Betsy, first, thanks for your question.

The fact that you asked shows me that you:

A) Truly care about others
B) Truly care about becoming more successful yourself

Interestingly enough, these 2 components are part of the equation in the bigger picture of your long term success.

Now don't take this the wrong way, but the first thing I'd recommend is that you dismantle your local group immediately!

Because that mastermind, although created with great intentions, is causing each of you to hold the others down.

Each will do whatever they can to "hold on" to the other, so that they don't have to start swimming themselves.

Another way to put this, is that "misery" loves company.

So, instead of sitting around with a bunch of non-producers, start surrounding yourself with the leaders, not the followers.

Remember, water seeks its own level, but you want to do the opposite.

Start investing your time with the leaders and the producers.

Start watching, observing and paying much more attention to every detail about them.

Look, watch & listen to what and how they do what they do.

This can be done locally, or even over the phone.

If you live locally, offer to assist them by doing minor tasks for them.

Volunteer to assist them at events or with anything they might need to run their business.

This is called an "apprenticeship" and as far as I know, just about every successful leader I know, was mentored by someone more successful than them.

Don't forget that Your income, influence and potential are in direct proportion of the income, influence & potential of the five people whom you invest most of your time listening to and communicating with.

If you don't feel comfortable working directly with a leader, invest in their cds or books until you develop the confidence to approach and then mentor with them.

I did this with a number of my first mentors.

I bought every audio set they producedand eventually after listening to them so many times, I began speaking and even thinking like them.

That way, when we finally met for the first time, I felt more like them and projected the confidence to be in their presence.

Each of my mentors could sense that I was hungry for success because I was in "rappoire" with them.

So, they took me under their wing and taught me how to make money fast, sometimes, when I wasn't even in their downline.

So Betsy, cancel your meeting.

Break up the group.

Forward this message on to everyone in it.

Make sure each of you attach to a successful mentor, but not each other.

It's ok to keep in touch and maintain your relationships, but do not consult each other if none of you is making any money yet.

There is nothing worse than the blind leading the blind, each attempting to consult each other on something they know nothing about.

Save yourself first, then go back and save the rest of the world.

If not, all of you could be a part of one ugly scenario.

Remember, the best way to save a drowning person is to not be one of them.

Find a mentor or mentors today and learn everything you possibly can from them.

It's the best and fastest way to make it long term in your business.

Until my next post,


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