Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is Your Mind Playing Tricks on You?

Yesterday while I was at the gym riding a recumbant bike as part of my daily workout, I found myself in the middle of a back and forth struggle.

No, it wasn't because I was riding between two other people arguing while they worked out,
but an internal struggle between my conscious and subconscious minds.

You see, I set the pedal resistance on the bike unusually high after about a 2 minute warm up and set the digital timer for 30 minutes.

My goal was to pedal for 28 minutes at a level that I'd normally only reach for about 3 minutes during the peak of my ride before I cut back to a more comfortable level and then cooled down.

In other words, I was severly challenging myself in a way I'd never done before.

It was truly a test of my own will, just to see how far I could push myself.

I knew that when I set this goal for myself, (and the timer) that I was in for a major test.

So as my legs were churnin' & burnin' in just the first minute of this super high intensity portion of my ride, already my mind was coming up with reasons why I should just get off the bike and go lift some weights.

Excuse #1 - I was tired. (I wasn't at all)

Excuse #2 - I can just do it tomorrow. (Yeah right - don't fall for this one - most people do)

Excuse #3 - I don't want to burn myself out for my weight training. (just another lame excuse not to leave it all on the table)

Yes, I was being challenged by myself and it was pretty interesting. I was actually laughing at myself during this back and forth battle.

In the meantime, my legs were doing just fine. A little pain from lactic acid build up, but nonetheless, they were still moving and I was about 5 or 6 minutes into my workout!

Does this happen to you too?

Do you ever attempt to justify and give yourself permission to quit something you've started only to find yourself right in the middle of the undaunting task, making progress despite your attempts to sabotage your success?

If you are human, it probably happens often.

It does for me.

But like me, you overcome.

You press on.

You practice discipline.

I did and continued on my ride.

I listened to music, typed some ideas into my iPhone Notepad and just visualized passing my 2nd Degree Black Belt test in Tae Kwon Do late next spring. (Yes, I'm beginning to prepare now; not wait until a few months before my test when I have to cram...a lesson inside a lesson!)

At 30 minutes of my ride, I finished.

And let me tell was AWESOME!

My legs didn't fall off, my heart didn't explode and my mind was at ease.

It was the best feeling I had after a workout in months, mainly because I kept on going, when all forces tried to stop me.

Do they do this to you too?

Do you feel resistance from people and situations around you on your way to success?

If so, embrace them.

Allow them to challenge you but stand tall in the face of adversity and keep moving your legs.

Because if you don't keep moving, continuing on and making small incremental progress, you will lose.




But this can only happen if you are not working on yourself and practicing the disciplines that you know you must master in order to succeed.

You see, your body will do what your mind tells it to.

And it's no different while working out than building your business.

What makes it challenging is that your "logic" in justifying why it is ok if you quit is so good, that you almost believe it.

But you must not take that advice.

Continue on, keep on moving forward and keep your eyes on the end result.

Stay committed to the process and know that every day that you move forward, every step, every pedal and every moment of challenge that you overcome, that you are that much closer to success and creating an exceptional life for yourself.

Remember, the bigger the test, the better your testimonial and without some darn war to fight, the warrior may as well be dead.

Be a warrior.

Keep on fighting for your freedom.

Keep on fighting for your family.

Don't let your mind play tricks on you.

You can be, do and have everything you've ever wanted.

Just never quit and keep moving your legs!



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