Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Makes the Difference between Success & Failure?

Looking back at the past decade of my networking career, there are several philosophies that have greatly contributed to my success over the years.

Now keep in mind, back in 1995 when I first set out to take back control of my life, I was a personal trainer in a gym, reporting to work every day at 5:30 a.m. in a pair of shorts and a collard t-shirt.

My job entailed holding a clipboard and counting backwards from ten to one while my clients lifted weights.

Those days, I had a whole different set of philosophies.

I lived paycheck to paycheck, couldn't afford to take one day off no matter how I felt; tired, sick or whatever, bills always on my mind, commuting 45 minutes each way and having to put up with adult babies who complained, made excuses, procrastinated and cheated on their diets!

I did all this for 20K per year.

When I reached my own pain threshold, (you know...that point that you just can't take it anymore and know you have to do something about it), I made the decision to stop trading my time for dollars and never work for anyone else ever again. (new philosophies beginning to form)

So, even though I started out as a personal trainer living in a small apartment, I was able to flip my entire life around with one single decision to change.

I was so disgusted about what Corporate America was all about, that I got into business for myself and the rest as they say, is history.

After running my own one-man-band private label sports supplement business for several years and going backwards into a lot of deb't, I decided to get more serious about my present and future and got focused on success in network marketing.

I was committed to developing passive in'come though the power of leverage which came from building my people and marketing teams. (Notice I said, building people; not building my business. A philosophy inside a philosophy!)

At first, I did not get great results (to the naked eye at least), but over the years, the philosophies that I adhered to, along with total commitment, discipline and massive action, I've been able to reach a level of complete and total fre'edom.

If you came to our Industry for these same things, here's one of my Old vs. New Personal Philosophies that you may want to look into for yourself: ( I will publish more in future posts).

Old Philosophy - Don't do anything unless it can be done perfectly.

New Philosophy - Doing something, even if its wrong, is better than doing nothing at all.

As my friend (who I met up at the Ritz in West Palm last month for 8 days with our families) Litman says, "You don't have to get it right; just get it going."

Truth is, everyone is a perfectionist in some way.

And since that includes you, you've got two choices:

Either positive or negative.

The Positive Perfectionist is a doer.

They are producers.

They get going and make adjustments along the way.

They don't require approval or permission to do anything. They just do it.

Oftentimes they fire before they are ready or even aim. (Some of the biggest success stories come from this personality by the way!)

They makes changes as they go forward and get better as they continue.

They make progress, even if they experience a temporary set back. (Remember, the set back is the set UP, for the Come Back!)

They stay outside of their comfort zone, which is why they succeed. They are constantly chasing perfection through action.

They jump first and grow their wings on the way down.

They are big producers.

So, the key is to just get going. Just start.

Do the wrong things until you do the right things. As long as you are moving forward, you are making progress.

The Negative Perfectionist is a procrastinator.

Most often, they don't start anything unless it's perfect.

They seek approval and/or permission from others to move forward.

The Negative Perfetionist cleans their desk, organizes their files, and practices their approach, yet they never get anywhere because by the time they get around to doing actual business, they are too tired from all the "getting ready to get ready" and as a result, make no progress.

They call their sponsor and ask how they sound on their new headset, want to bounce new ideas off their friends and read the script a hundred times so that they can sound perfect when they read it to their suspects.

Anything to prevent having to take the real action that is going to make them successful.

Anything to keep them from getting out of their comfort zone.

Anything to keep them from having to make a decision and commit to it.

Anything from doing the wrong thing, so as not to look foolish or feel bad about themself.

Anything not to speak to new people, learn to market or improve their value by investing in themself.

So, here's how you go from being a Negative Perfectionist to a Positive Perfectionist:

Do something, anything, even if it's not 100% correct.

Take a chance.

Take a risk.

Invest in yourself and your leadership value.

Don't be afraid to fail.

Don't be afraid to rack up some losses.

Don't be afraid to take a step back in order to make the big leap.

What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.

You can always go back and correct mistakes and by taking notes and keeping score with yourself and your progress, you will gain the most important thing, and that is experience.

And this experience you develop, will give you that 6th sense called Intuition, which will allow you to make smart choices, act without "thinking" and going from being in your head, to coming from your heart.

Remember, as my friend Jeff Combs says, "Heart beats Talent Everytime!"

Develop more heart and acheive more success!

Keep your eyes peeled for more of my Favorite Old vs. New Philosophies in future posts.


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