Monday, October 6, 2008

The Need for Speed...

Over the years, one of the biggest factors I noticed that separates successful people from everybody else, is that after coming up with a great idea to start a new business or simply move their existing business forward, they take immediate action.

While most people never do a single thing when they have brilliant idea, successful people employ what is called speed of implementation.

This means as soon as the idea comes in, they get moving on it right away and start making progress.

They don't have to have all the answers or know exactly how they are going to get to the 2nd step or beyond.

They just jump first and build their wings on the way down.

In other words, they don't have to get it right - just get it going.

Critical to any entrepreneurs success , is not having to be perfect to produce.

Because the need for perfection usually leads to procrastination.

This is called Negative Perfection.

Positive Perfection is the entrepreneur who takes the risk, makes the move, gets it going, and then...adjusts along the way to make sure she is pointing more in the right direction.

It's like a plane that takes off from New York en route to Los Angeles.

It may start out going South, but eventually makes that turn West.

And all along the way, the pilot makes small incremental adjustments to keep the plane on course.

So no matter what you've been putting off today, get it started.

Begin that new project that you know will move your business forward.

Take the first step.

Pick up the phone and start calling your leads & prospects.

Start your online campaign.

Start branding yourself.

Make that first video.

Write your first article.

Upload your first blog.

Send out that first press release.

Learn that one new skill that if you knew, your business would flourish.

One step closer to freedom.

Don't put it off another day.

One at a time, knock out that idea.

Move down your list.

Your freedom is waiting...

Speed of Implementation.

It's how you must operate in free enterprise to make it.

Until my next post,


P.S. Take advantage of the $9.95 Special on my Lost Interview with Mike Dillard. This 60 Minute Conversation was intended to be a part of the Black Belt Recruiting Series but due to time constraints, it wasn't available in time. The CD is JAM PACKED with helpful nuggets of gold when it comes to Prospecting & Recruiting that will help you master the #1 Skill it takes to succeed in your business.

Click Here for an Audio Sample & More Info...