Sunday, January 25, 2009

How Failure Creates Great Success

Last Friday I took my 8 year old son skiing for the first time.

While he was off from school for parent teacher conferences, I just took OFF.

Because when you run your own successful home based business, you can do that sort of thing.

You know, movies in the middle of the day on a weekday while everyone else is at work, sleeping in 'til noon if you feel like name it - YOU own your time to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.


So I'm on a ski lift on my way up to the top of the mountain and I'm watching these young kids in the snow park below me, perform all sorts of aerials on skis.

It was pretty awesome to see these kids on skis doing backflips, twists and all sorts of maneuvers in mid air and actually land on their feet.

Well, when I got to the top of the lift and skied down the mountain a little, I decided to go check out the competition and watch for a few minutes with a couple hundred people standing around drinking hot chocolate and cheering the kids on.

So this one kid approaches the starting gate, ready to begin his heat, and starts gliding down the hill.

Just when all of us spectators are ready to see some magic, he catches an edge at his first jump and winds up face first on the snow, body flailing like a rag doll and sliding down on his belly towards the fence.

Everyone just stood silently to see if he was ok.

Thankfully, the kid laid there for just a quick moment, stood up, brushed himself off and continued back down the mountain to finish the rest of his routine.

Amazingly, he nailed every single jump and finished his run just flawless.

Matter of fact, he performed so well that he wound up coming in first place for his age group, which had 7 other kids all going for the gold medal.

And so, I began to really think about this.

Here's a kid who fell flat on his face within just seconds of getting started for his gold medal run, falls flat on his face, gets up and brushes himself off, and still finishes flawlessly.

All I could think if at first was...WOW -AWESOME!

But then I began thinking about it.

The reason this kid actually won, is because he wasn't afraid to fall again.

And because he did fall at first, the reason he performed the rest of his routine flawlessly, was because there was no more pressure to be perfect.

He already proved that he was human and was still able to perform at his best.

This is also why he won. Because this is how winners perform.

They are not afraid to fail and continue learning from each experience. This is how you develop wisdom.

This then got me thinking about how home business entrepreneurs operate.

They put so much pressure on themselves to do everything right, say the right things and be perfect, that they go either way too slow to ever create any momentum, stay stuck or just dont go at all.

When all along, if they would not worry so much about the outcome and just stay focussed on the process, not only would they learn the most productive skills they need to get to the top of success mountain, but they'd also develop the character to stay there.

You see, a HUGE part of success, is failure. Because without failure, there would not be any success.

Just like without cold, there would not be heat or without bottom, there would be no top
So, if you want more success in your business and in your life, not only should you be willing to welcome failure, but expect it. More importantly,expect to learn from it.

So, the bottom line is...if you are already experiencing some results, great - keep at it.
However, if you truly want to double your rate of success, then you must be willing to double your rare of failure.

Remember, you don't have to get it all right to succeed - you just have to get it going.


Aaron & Sophia Rashkin are Multiple Six Figure Income Earners in Home Based Business and are currently taking Applications to mentor just a small handful of others to start living their own dreams and goals in their New Business.

If you feel you have what it takes to become Self Employed, can follow a System and work well with others, head on over to their website and take a look at how they've been able to create a business that now pays them over 30K in just their 5th month.