Thursday, October 16, 2008

Profile of a Successful Entrepreneur

Almost every day, I get asked by my business partners, clients and students, "What is the ideal profile of a succesful entrepreneur?"

They want to know, "How can you tell who will be successful and who most likely, will not."

Well, the truth is that you can never be 100% sure, because you just never know whose dreams are bigger than their problems.

The only way to really find out who is going to make it, is to give them a track to run on and see who shows up at the finish line!

This doesn't mean you don't coach them along the way, but if you give people a track to run on and they never leave the starting gates, well you know that is not the right person to invest your time into.

It's almost like breeding horses when it comes to success.

You can breed a horse for strength.

You can breed a horse for size and perhaps even color.

But the one thing you cannot breed a horse for, is heart.

And this is one of the few traits that if a person has, will carry them through the toughest of times in their life and business.

However, here are some signs that indicate what you might expect from people:

#1 - Succesful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly.

Unsuccessful people can't decide what to do, take a long long time to choose and typically change courses overnight. This is a direct result of being more job oriented and less wired for entrepreneurship.

The successful entrepreneur sees an opportunity and jumps all over it.

Unsuccessful people are presented with the facts and resort to logic or reason why they should or should not get started. This lack of decision making, results in low vibrational energy and actually repels people, money and success from them.

Successful are the people who when they hear that a seminar or convention is taking place, they choose right then and there, finances in place or not, that they will be there no matter what. They see themselves there, they feel themselves there and they do whatever it takes, starting right away to live into that reality.

Sure enough, they make the event and as a result, come back a completely different person than when it began. They return home closer to the person it will take for them to take their business to the next level and often do.

These are also the same people who see something they want and decide that they must own it.
It could be a car, a home or even just a position in their company. Perhaps even an income level. No matter what "it" is, they are driven to succeed and make no excuses if it takes longer than normal to acheive their goals. They are too busy producing.

Successful people are not a part of the Not Much Crowd. This is the crowd that answers "Not much", when asked what's going on. If you are a part of the "Not Much Crowd", chances are good that you are not on your way to acheiving much.

It doesn't matter what the situation is; successful people make decisions quickly and are always working on something whether its a project, making the next level in their business or creating something new to improve their position in the marketplace.

These people not only make quick decisions but they also live a life of complete belief, faith and trust.

And sure enough, their bank account and lifestyle reflects their ability to choose fast and decide without having to "think" much.

(Be sure to read my Need for Speed Post from a couple weeks ago to learn more about this get it done quality)

#2 - Successful people know that 90% of getting what they want is knowing what they have to give up in order to get it.

This means sacrificing non-revenue producing activities like television, bowling on Thursday nights and sometimes even family time.

In other words, successful people do the things today that others will not do, so that they can do the things tomorrow that others cannot do.

Put another way, successful people do whatever they have to do as quickly as they can, so that they can do whatever they want to do, for as long as they can.

These people are in a rush to get it done now and want to enjoy the rewards forever.

#3 - Successful people invest in themselves because they know that its the best investment they can make.

Unlike stocks or real estate or even private placements, which you have no real control over, successful people are constantly looking to develop their own personal skills.

This way, no matter what the economy or state of the industry, they will always be in high demand.

They know that the marketplace pays big money to those who have skills, know how to use them and can teach them those same skills.

Just some of the skills you want to continually invest in:

- How to prospect, speak with people and connect.

- How to advertise your business to the right people.

- How to market so that you leverage your time and effort while getting high quality targeted traffic to come to you.

- How to use technology so that you can communicate more effectively in today's marketplace.

- And how to set up a marketing funnel using online methods to make sure that your own personal economy never goes dry.

This combines both online and offline methods into one complete package.

Yes, succesfful people must be well rounded in all areas mentioned above because if not, in today's marketplace, they will not make it.

While everyone else lives in fear about what they are going to do, successful people are already doing it.

So, are you a success story just waiting to happen?

Or...are you one of those people who can't make decisions and prefer to watch television than get on a training call, webinar or attend an event?

Only you can decide which type of entrepreneur you are being today.

All I know is that good things don't come to those who wait, but to those who choose to hustle.

Until my next post...

Aaron Rashkin


Aaron Rashkin & his wife Sophia are Multiple Six Figure Income Earners in Home Based Business and are currently building a new team in the highest performing Top Tier Direct Sales Business on the Internet.

To see their System and how they've generated over $40K in just their 5th month, go to their website at